Sunday 13 December 2020

2020 - Asda - Extra Special - Luxury Sloe Gin Mince Pies

Alcohol in mince pies is nothing new but, we're used to seeing brandy, rum or port. With gin back in fashion at the moment, its no surprise that some has made its way into a mince pie. 

Lets see how they look.

I'm going to break with tradition and start with the mincemeat. If you ever get the opportunity to go to an Asda hosted party, you're in for a treat. Their bartenders will undoubedly be free-pourers. The gin really hits you the from the very first bite and they haven't skimped. 3% is what the box says... 3%!! I think its 3% of the 49% that makes up the mincemeat but, that is still a good splash of gin in a mince pie. This box should carry the drink responsibly logo! After the gin hit, you do get a nice moist mincemeat thats properly filled the entire casing. It is a little too sweet but the sharpness of the orange and lemon cut through it (along with the gin).

As for the pastry, it is not what I would expect from a luxury range mince pie but, slightly better than a standard range mince pie. It is a little soft from absorbing some of the moisture of the mincemeat on the inside but, it holds its shape well. It is buttery but, could do with more. It looks like a pie that's home-made which you could take to be good or bad.

It may be the gin talking but I rather enjoyed these. If you run out of alcohol on Christmas day, just squeeze a few of these over a glass. It should be enough for a shot.

5 points - Presentation
6 points - Nutritional content & Price

16 points - Pastry/Cake

22 points - Mincemeat
8 points - Satisfaction level

The Mince Pie Administration Score - 57 / 100

See where this mince pie sits on our leader board here.

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